R' Ezra Klein
Over ten years ago, we had a dream. We would create a movement that would inspire hundreds and thousands of our brothers to change their lives.
In 2009, Ezra, was looking to open a unique learning program. He wanted a program where those who don’t necessarily keep the “9-5” schedule could find a place to learn and grow in limud HaTorah. Agra D’Pirka – named after Ezra’s mother, Pesi Rochel Klein a’h, is that program. What started as a small program, is now a nationwide learning phenomenon.
We would convince the Jewish world to start their work days with the highest quality learning programs available. With Hashe-m’s help, our dream has been fulfilled.
We handpicked the best maggidei shiur that we could find. We added premier shuls in the best locations. We even added breakfast and pastries. The result is Agra D’Pirka.
Now every Jewish male can start their day with two to three hours of high-quality learning in a pristine environment. You could visit Flatbush, Boro Park or Kew Gardens Hills; Lakewood, Williamsburg, or Monsey; even out of town Miami, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton and Baltimore, and drink from the endless wellsprings of our Holy Torah. In addition, our Spring Valley branch accommodates those who don’t have the flexibility to dedicate their mornings to Agra D’Pirka, by having evening shiurim.
In its short history, Agra D’Pirka has acted as a wellspring of Torah for thousands of Jews.
This morning kollel is a concept whose time has arrived. This program must be brought to every major Torah community throughout the United States.
Please drop by and join us at any of our locations. Come once and you will be convinced. Come yourself, bring a friend, and reap the rewards for eternity.

Rabbi Aharon Kahn
Rav Aharon Kahn was born in Bialystock, Poland just as the war was coming to an end. His parents were from Vilna. He arrived in America at the age of two. He is a talmid of Yeshiva R' Yaakov Yosef, Mesivta Bais Shraga and the Kollel Kodoshim under the leadership of HaGaon Rav Mendel Zaks, zllh”h, the son-in-law of the Chofetz Chaim. Rav Kahn received Semichas Yadin Yadin, from Rav Zaks and a second Yadin Yadin from the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vodaas, Rav Moshe Duber Rivkin, zllh”h.
For 20 years, Rav Kahn learned with Rav Yosef Dov Soloveichik, zllh”h; for ten of those years he gave the chazara shiur. He also heard the shiurim of Rav Moshe Feinstein zllh”h at Tiferes Yerushalayim for several years.
Rav Kahn was Rosh Kollel Elyon of Yeshivas R' Yizchok Elchonon's Kollel Elyon from its inception in 1983 until 1998. He continues as a Rosh Yeshiva there to date. Rav Kahn has been giving shiurim since 1973 and has several thousand talmidim. He lectures widely both in the States and recently in Israel as well. He has also written many Seforim.
Rav Kahn was Rav of the Downtown Talmud Torah Synagogue on the Lower East Side for 18 years. He moved in 1987 to the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn where he established a unique shul: Knesseth Bais Avigdor. The davening is sincere, and the learning is passionate. It is a place totally dedicated to Avodas HaShem. The shul is open all day and all night and is used by many hundreds of Yidden who come to learn there from far and wide.
At Knesseth Bais Avigdor, Rav Kahn at the initiative of R’ Ezra Klein, started giving shiurim on Mishlei with the comments of the Gaon of Vilna. This was the start of the nationwide initiative of learning for baalei batim which is, of course, Agra D'Pirka. After completing 8 1/2 years of shiurim and composing 5 volumes of mekoros (sponsored by R’ Ezra in honor and memory of his parents), a gala siyum was made and shiurim on Koheles Medrash Rabbah commenced. A second volume of the mekoros for the Koheles shiurim is due soon.
Rav Kahn's wife, Rebetzin Rochel Kahn, is the principal of the Bais Yaakov of the East Side. Their children and grandchildren, all of whom are dedicated to the learning and teaching of Torah, live in Lakewood, Toronto and Brooklyn.
At Agra D'Pirka Flatbush Rabbi Kahn gives a 10:40 am shiur Monday and Wednesday on Tehillim with Midrashim

Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum
Rav Noach Isaac Oelbaum, is a Rov in the mold of bygone era- a true Mara D’Asra, whose personal Hasmadah and stature as a Talmid Chacham are matched by his tireless efforts as a Marbitz Torah on a variety of levels.
Rav Oelbaum came to Kew Garden Hills forty-one years ago as the young Rav of the newly established Khal Nachlas Yitzchok, over the years spent guiding his illustrious Kehilla, Rav Oelbaum has emerged as a leading force in the community. A Posek of international renown, he is a decisive force in setting Halachic standards in the Queens Community and beyond.
Rav Oelbaum is a popular , sought - after speaker on a several continents. Locally , he delivers twenty weekly Shiurim , in addition to one of the most widely followed Daf Yomi Shiurim in the country , with an audience of thousands through the Dial - a - Daf program , Besides being a speaker of distinction , Rav Oelbaum is a prolific author , whose fourteen Sefarim , entitled Minchas Chein , include She'ollos U'Teshuvos and Sugyos Hashas : commentary on a number of Masechtos as well as on the Haggadah and Rambam Hilchos Teshuva ; and a Kuntres on the laws of Hag'alas Kellim for Pesach .
In addition to being a prominent Posek , Rav Oelbaum is sought after for his wise counsel and listening ear. He makes himself available to members of the community, who turn to him as beloved mentor and role model.
Amazingly, Rav Oelbaum seamlessly combines all of these different roles; he is a communal leader who truly cares for the individual, an inspirational figure who is warm and accessible, a towering scholar who understands the needs of the people. The Kew Gardens Hills community is truly blessed to have a leader of his caliber in their midst.
Vaad Hanesi'us
R' Chaim Fuhrer
Program Cordinator
Rabbi Fuhrer is the manager of Agra D’Pirka since 2015. His activities include identifying and assessing the suitability of potential maggidei shiur, coordinating and scheduling daily and special events programming, networking with media and partners to publicize Shiurim, and working with our freelance writers. He also provides mekoros and recordings of Shiurim, and addresses the overall needs of the over 100 maggidei shiur and 800 Agra D’Pirka members.
Since March, 2020, he has directed the transition from in-person learning in 11 Agra D’Pirka locations to remote learning nationwide.
As of May 2021 Chaim is assisting in the reopening of Agra D’Pirka at all 11 of its current locations and hopefully many more.
Rabbi Fuhrer has a B.A. from Yeshiva University, semicha from R.I.E.T.S., a Master’s degree in Jewish History and Jewish Literature from Bernard Revel Graduate School, and a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from NYU School of Engineering.
Our Lecturers

Rabbi Bentzion Bamberger
Rabbi Bentzion Bamberger was born in London England. After completing his education in England he continued learning in Eretz Yisroel, first in Yeshivas Be'er Yaakov and then in The Mir Yerushalayim. Rabbi Bamberger was a close talmid of Rav Shlomo Wolbe, Z"TL and spent many years learning from him and absorbing the Mashgiach's teachings. Rabbi Bamberger also spent many years sitting with Harav Yeshuya Neuwirth, Z"TL doing shimush in halacha, and with Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Z"TL doing shimush in Gitin. Rabbi Bamberger has spent the last 33 years as a Rebbe, Mashgiach and Rav and has taught every grade from 3rd through Beis Medrash, chassanim, and Seminary classes as well. Currently, Rabbi Bamberger is a Rebbe and Mashgiach at Yeshivas Ohr Reuven in Monsey NY. At Agra D'Pirka, Rabbi Bamberger gives a monthly shiur in Halacha, Wednesdays at 10:30 A.M., and a weekly shiur on Mishlei, every Monday at 9:05 P.M

Rabbi Yirmiyahu Benyowitz
Rabbi Yirmiyahu Benyowitz learned in Ner Yisroel of Baltimore and obtained Smicha there. He teaches in a girls seminary. He also runs the Beis Din for Gittin in Baltimore.

Rabbi Tzvi Berger
Boro Park
Rabbi Tzvi Berger learned in Klausenberg Yeshiva as well as BMG in Lakewood. He also learned under Rabbi Fishel Hershkowitz zichrono livracha and Rabbi Yechezkal Roth. He is now a Dayan at the Bais Hora'ah of Rabbi Roth. He has been with Agra D’Pirka for 5 years. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Berger gives a weekly shiur on Haparsha bhalacha ubhashkafa lmaisei every Thursday at 10:45 am.
Rabbi Moshe Eckstein
Rabbi Moshe Eckstein learned in Mir NY, Mir Yerushalayim & has been learning in the Kolel of BMG for the past thirty years including many years as a Rosh Chabura. He has been saying a Shiur for Agra D'Pirka for more than 8 years. Currently he is giving a Gemora B'Iyun Shiur and is in the middle of Masechtas Shabbos. He is also on staff at BMG as a Madrich for Chasanim and married couples. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Eckstein gives a daily shiur on Gemara B'Iyun Monday through Thursday at 9:20 am.

Rabbi Yisroel Ephrati
Rabbi Yisroel Ephrati learned in Torah Temima as well as Brisk in Lakewood; He was a Rov in the Miami Beach Keristira shul; Now he gives shiurim full time; He has been Agra D'Pirka for 6 years. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Ephrati gives a daily shiur Monday through Thursday on Gemara at 9:30 am.

Rabbi Yerachmiel Frankel
Rabbi Yerachmiel Frankel has been with the Agra D’Pirka from its inception, and delivers a weekly chumash shiur in Flatbush. He gave up a successful career as a technology executive on Wall Street to focus on learning and הרבצת תורה. He has been giving shiurim in one capacity or another for over 40 years, and his first love is pure lamdus, followed by a passion for the משך חכמה. The shiurim that were delivered over the first seven years were compiled into a two volume sefer, נר אהרן, published by Mosad HaRav Kook. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Frankel gives a weekly shiur on Parsha In-Depth every Thursday at 11:30 am.

Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Glatstein
Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Glatstein was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and now resides in the Five Towns (Cedarhurst, NY) with his wife, children and family. Rabbi Glatstein’s many years of rigorous study at the Rabbinical Seminary of America (Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Kew Garden Hills, NY), values the mussar of HaRav Avigdor Miller Zt”l, the Torah majesty of Polish Torah giants as passed down from his Rabbinic ancestry, the grandeur of the mystical aspects of Torah taught by HaRav Noach Isaac Oelbaum and HaRav Pinchas Friedman. Rabbi Glatstein received his smicha and rabbinic ordination from the Rabbinic Seminary of America and HaRav Noach I. Oelbaum. He has also led several of the Jewish Heritage tours across the globe, including Italy, Spain, Morocco, Poland, Bratislava, Germany and the Ukraine, imparting the Torah and lessons of Jewish history alongside visiting many of the Kivrei Tzadikim he quotes in his teachings. He has been with Agra D'Pirka since it's inception. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Glatstein gives a weeklly shiur on Inyan D'Yoma or Parsha every Monday at 10: 30 am.

Rabbi Bentzion Gips
Flatbush/Boro Park
Rabbi Bentzion Gips learned in Yeshiva Slobodka in Bnei Brak; He received Smicha from the Debriciner Rav; He is now a Maggid shiur in Halacha, Parsha and Gemara. Rabbi Gips has been with Agra D'Pirka since it's inception. At Agra Dpirka Rabbi Gips gives a weekly shiur on Halacha every Wednesday at 10:40 in our Boro Park location. As well as giving a weekly shiur on Halacha at 10:30 am in our Flatbush location.

Rabbi Pinchas Gross
Rabbi Pinchas Gross is an alumnus of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, where he attended the Mechina and Bais Medrash. He then learned in Brisk in Eretz Yisroel, followed by Bais Medrash Gavoha in Lakewood. After his marriage, he settled back in Baltimore, and joined Kollel Avodas Levi. He lived with his family on Yeshiva Lane for nine years, then moved to his current home in Baltimore to assume the position as the Rav of Kehillas Derech Chaim, a growing shul for young frum professionals.

Rabbi Yaacov Gross
Miami Beach
Rabbi Yaacov Gross, is a musmach of Bais Medrash Govoha and a talmid of HaGaon HaRav Elya Svei, ZT”L. Rabbi Gross came to Miami from the Boston Community Kollel where he taught and studied since its inception. The Rosh HaKollel gives many classes at the Kollel including the daily Daf Yomi, nightly Shulchan Aruch shiur, the Mid- Beach executive lunch class, Tuesday morning women’s Tefillah class and Shabbos morning Mishna Brurah class. Aside from his abundant duties at the Kollel, Rabbi Gross is involved with many other community organizations and private causes. He is now the Rosh Hakollel in the Miami Beach Lakewood kollel. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Gross gives a weekly shiur every Monday on Halacha in the Parsha at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Shulem Yaakov Gruenstein
Boro Park
Rabbi Shulem Yaakov Gruenstein learned under Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and received Yoreh Yoreh Yodin Yodin Smicha there. He then went to kollel at MTJ and learned under Rabbi Gershon Zacks. He was a Rov in Lakewood as well as being a Dayan at the Bais Hora'ah of Lakewood. Currently he is Rosh Beis Din at the Beis Harah of Birchos Asher as well as the Beis Harah Lakewood. He is a Rabbe in Bobov 45 and gives shiurim and farhers to kollel yungeleit. He has been with Agra D'Pirka since the begiining. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Gruenstein gives a shiur on Halacha Inyanim every other Tuesday at 10:40 am.

Rabbi Yehoshua Grunfeld
Rabbi Yehoshua Grunfeld learned under Rabbi Berman the Rosh Hayeshiva of Eiyun Hatalmud. He was a Rosh Hakolel for many years. He has been sitting and learning and has been with Agra D'Pirka for 5 years. At Agra D'Pirkla Rabbi Grunfeld gives a daily shiur Monday through Thursday at 9:30 am.

Rabbi Yankel Herskovitz
Rabbi Yankel Herskovitz is a Musmach of Ner Yisroel (Baltimore). He was a partner in a national accounting firm, practicing as a CPA, and is currently retired. He was a Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur for five cycles where the Daf was taught in depth, including Rashi, most תוס' and many mefarshim. Recently, he started saying an in-depth shiur in Mesechtas Sukkah for Agra D’Pirka daily Monday through Thursday at 9:15 am. In addition, he has been teaching a shiur in Yerushalmi where they are holding half-way through Seder Zeraim.

Rabbi Osher Hertzberg
Rabbi Osher Hertzberg learned in Yeshiva Chasam Sofer. He then worked in the automotive industry as Vice President of a company. He is now retired and gives a shiur in Rabbi Oelbaum's shul and in Miami Beach. Rabbi Hertzberg gives a Daf Yomi shiur as well as giving a shiur in Bnei Yisaschor. He has been with Agra D'Pirka from the opening of the branch in Queens. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Hertzberg gives a shiur every other Tuesday on Inyanei Tefilah at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Pinchos Jung
Rabbi Pinchos Jung grew up in London and lived there till 2000, Combining Chinuch with Business after he left yeshiva. He moved to Monsey and became involved in Chinuch Habonos in Bais Rochel Monsey and other schools, taking the graduates from 2004-2011 on an Eastern European trip. He joined the Monsey Agra D'Pirka at its inception in 2016 and was asked to learn Nesivos Sholom by Slonimer Rebbe ztl. He then began a Friday Parsha shiur in 2019. He is very proud and grateful to be a part of this kiddush hashem. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Jung gives a weekly shiur on Nesivos Sholom every Tuesday at 10:30 am. He also gives a weekly shiur every Friday on the Parshas Hashavua at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Yaakov Kapelner
Rabbi Yaakov Kapelner learned in Yeshivos Gateshead, Ponevez and BMG and spent his Kollel years in Mir Yerushalayim and Beis Medrash Elyon . For close to two decades he occupied the position as Magid shiur heading the semicha program at Yeshivas Kol Yaakov Monsey NY as well as serving as Dayan at Bais Horaah Shevet Halevi . He has been associated with Agra Depirka's Monsey branch almost since its inception delivering Shiurim at both morning and evening Kollelim on a broad range of thought provoking topics in Halacha and Parshas Hashovua.At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Kapelner gives a shiur on Parsha B'Halacha 3 times a month on Wednesday at 10:30 am. As well as giving a weekly shiur on Inyana D'Yoma on Tuesday at 9:05 pm.

Rabbi Yisroel Kaplan
Rabbi Yisroel Kaplan learned in Yeshiva Sight in Meilich under Horav Chaim Epstien z'l, then later in Yeshiva Gedola Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg under Horav Wachtfogel shlit'a. He continued on to Horav Avrohom Yehoshua Soloveitchik shlit'a in Brisk, after which he had a short stop in Lakewood before moving on to Kollel Knesses Yisroel of Springville (Staten Island) for 15+ years. Rabbi Kaplan joined the Agra D'Pirka Monsey night program, shortly after it's inception, just over 2 years ago. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Kaplan gives a daily shiur on Gemara Monday through Thursday at 8:20 PM.

Rabbi Yitzchok Koslowitz
Rabbi Yitzchok Koslowitz learned in Beis Hatalmud in Bensonhurst and as well as BMG in Lakewood where he received Smicha. He is now a Bochen for Smicha as well as being a Rosh Chabura for a Seder in Kollel and has a Sunday Morning kollel for Baalei batim. He speaks Friday nights to BMG alumni with Rabbi Shmuel Felder on Halacha. He wrote a Sefer on Yoreh De'ah called Mishnas Yitzchok. He has been with Agra D'Pirka since its Lakewood inception. Rabbi Koslowitz gives a weekly shiur on Orach Chaim on Tuesday at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Noach Light
Boca Raton/West Palm Beach
Rabbi Noach Light is the Mara D'Asra of East Boca Kehilla in Boca Raton, Florida. He also serves as the director of the Halacha program for both the Boca Raton Kollel and the Bais Medresh of Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Boca. As a sought after speaker and educator, Rabbi Light has served as Scholar-in-Residence throughout the country in shuls, yeshivos, kollelim, and kiruv centers.

Rabbi Moshe Medresh
Miami Beach
Rabbi Moshe Medresh learned in Lakewood. He is now a High school rebbe in South Florida. He also gives shiurim in shuls throughout South Florida. He resides in North Miami Beach with two children. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Medresh gives a weekly shiur on Insights on Tefillah every Thursday at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Shraga Neuberger
Rabbi Shraga Neuberger learned in Ner Yisroel in Baltimore and now teaches there. He joined Baltimore Agra D'Pirka two years ago.

Rabbi Yitzchok Oelbaum
Rabbi Yitzchok Oelbaum learned in Yeshiva Ohr Hameir in Peekskill, Mir Yerushalayim under Rabbi Asher Arieli. He got Smicha under Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch then went on to BMG. Rabbi Oelbaum is now the assistant director for Chazaq, as well as giving lectures for them, as well as for other organzation. He has been with Agra D'Pirka since the Queens inception. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Oelbaum gives a shiur every other Tuesday on Halacha at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Yosef Pollak
Boro Park
Rabbi Yosef Pollak learned in Slobedka in Bnei Brak. He then learned 10 years in Kollel. He has been with Agra D'Pirka for 7. He is Rosh Hakollel of Kollel Divrei Yaakov in Boro Park. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Pollak gives a weekly shiur on Halacha Issues Related to the Parsha on Monday at 10:40 am.

Rabbi Shaya Richmond
West Palm Beach
Rabbi Shaya Richmond is a musmach of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Queens, a talmid of HaRav Henoch Lebowitz Zt"l.
Rabbi Richmond has served in the Rabbanus for over 30 years. He was the Rov of Young Israel of Patchogue, LI; Bais Tefilah of Woodmere; and is presently the Rov of Aitz Chaim of West Palm Beach,Fl. He was a senior supervisor of mashgichim for the Vaad of Queens. He completed CPE training as a chaplain, and served in a hospital and hospice. Rabbi Richmond has been a mohel for 45 years, and mentors young mohalim whom he trained throughout the country.

Rabbi Liron Rogovsky
Rabbi Liron Rogovsky learned in Ner Yiroel. He then learned in Kollel. He has been a Rosh Hakollel for the past 10 years. He also teaches Halacha at a girls high school in Monsey. He has been at Agra D'Pirka for 4 years. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Rogovsky gives a shiur every other Monday on the 39 Melachos at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Henoch Savitsky
Rabbi Henoch Savitsky learned in Lakewood and then in Brisk Yerushalayim. He is the Rov of Machzekei Hadas of Queens. He has been with Agra D'Pirka since the beginning. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Savitsky gives a daily shiur on Gemara at 9:30 am

Rabbi Reuven Scheinberg
Flatbush/Boro Park
Rabbi Reuven Sheinberg learned in Torah Vodaas. He is the Rov in his own shul and gives shiurim there. He also gives a shiur in Kaminetz in Halacha Lear Ohrach Chaim. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Sheinberg gives a daily shiur in Boro Park on Gemara at 9:30 am, as well as giving a weekly shiur in Flatbush on Halacha and Hahkafa on Tuesday at 11:00 am.

Rabbi Dovid Schoen
Miami Beach
Rabbi Schoen learned in Beis Hatalmud under Harav Dov Shwartzmen in Israel. As well as learning under Rabbi Simcha Wasserman in Los Angeles. He received Yoreh Yoreh Yodin Yodin Smicha from Rabbi Chaim Kohen. He is now Rosh Hakollel of the Chohen Mishpat Kollel as well as being Av Beis Din of the Beis Din of Florida; He has been with Agra D'Pirka for about 3 years. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Schoen gives a weekly shiur on Hashkafa and Halacha every Wednesday at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Simcha Shabtai
West Palm Beach
Rabbi Simcha Shabtai learned and received smicha from Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan (YU), and additionally learned in Reishit Yerushalayim, Har Etzion, Merkaz HaRav and Gruss Kollel. He has served as Rosh Beis Medrash at the Boca Raton Synagogue since 2014, and is also the Executive Director of American Friends of Meshi Children's Rehabilitation Center, a special program for children with neurological and muscular disorders.

Rabbi Yaakov Akiva Sofer
Rabbi Yaakov Akiva Sofer learned in the Manchester Yeshiva, Shaarei Torah and Mir Yerushalyim as well as leaning in Netzach Yisroel under Rabbi Michel Berniker and in the Ner Yisroel Kollel. he is now Rosh Hakollel in Mercaz Torah Utefila.

Rabbi Mattis Stern
Rabbi Mattis Stern is the mashgiach and shoel umeishiv in Yeshivas Be'er Yitzchok in Elizabeth where he delivers Shmuzen and vaadim to the Bochurim and yungerleit of the kollel. He frequently speaks at other yeshivas as well and delivers Shiurim in Agra D'pirka in Monsey. At Agra D'Pirka Mosey Morning he gives a shiur every other Monday on Inyana D'Yoma at 10:30 am. In the Monsey evening kollel he gives a shiur every Thursday at 9:05 pm.

Rabbi Meyer Baruch Turin
Rabbi Meyer Turin went to Yeshiva in Scranton. He then studied in Eretz Yisrael under Rav Avraham Yehoshua Soloveitchik shlita. He also studied in Bais Medrash Govoha Lakewood. Now he is the Rav of Khal Toms River in Toms River New Jersey. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Turin gives a weekly shiur on various inyanim on Wednesday at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Hershel Unsdorfer
Boro Park
Rabbi Hershel Unsdorfer learned in Shaarei Yosher under Harav Yosef Rosenblum z'tl in Boro Park. He is the Rosh HaKollel in Pupa in Boro Park for 19 years. Rabbi Unsdorfer joined Agra D'Pirka shortly after it opened up. Has given many shiurim all over Boro Park. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Unsdorfer gives a shiur on Halacha Inyanim every other Tuesday at 10:40 am.

Rabbi Yosef Wagner
Rabbi Yosef Wagner learned in Ner Yisroel. He now teaches Hilchos Shabbos in Ner Yisroel high school and in kollel. He has been with Agra D'Pirka for 2 years.

Rabbi Moshe Winter
Rabbi Moshe Winter learned in Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim and received Yoreh Yoreh Yodin Yodin Smicha. He now teaches there. He is also a Rov in Congregation Shaarei Zedek of East Meadow. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Winter gives a weekly shiur on Hilchos Bein Adam L'Chaveiro every Thursday at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Chaim Yeshaya Weiss
Rabbi Chaim Yeshaya Weiss studied in Brisk and Lakewood, and held long time positions in Monsey as a Maggid Shiur and an 8th grade Rebbe. He has been with Agra D'Pirka for the past year and a half, giving a weekly shiur on Tefilah Wednesdays at 9:05 PM.
Our Lecturers

Rabbi Bentzion Bamberger
Rabbi Bentzion Bamberger was born in London England. After completing his education in England he continued learning in Eretz Yisroel, first in Yeshivas Be'er Yaakov and then in The Mir Yerushalayim. Rabbi Bamberger was a close talmid of Rav Shlomo Wolbe, Z"TL and spent many years learning from him and absorbing the Mashgiach's teachings. Rabbi Bamberger also spent many years sitting with Harav Yeshuya Neuwirth, Z"TL doing shimush in halacha, and with Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Z"TL doing shimush in Gitin. Rabbi Bamberger has spent the last 33 years as a Rebbe, Mashgiach and Rav and has taught every grade from 3rd through Beis Medrash, chassanim, and Seminary classes as well. Currently, Rabbi Bamberger is a Rebbe and Mashgiach at Yeshivas Ohr Reuven in Monsey NY. At Agra D'Pirka, Rabbi Bamberger gives a monthly shiur in Halacha, Wednesdays at 10:30 A.M., and a weekly shiur on Mishlei, every Monday at 9:05 P.M

Rabbi Yirmiyahu Benyowitz
Rabbi Yirmiyahu Benyowitz learned in Ner Yisroel of Baltimore and obtained Smicha there. He teaches in a girls seminary. He also runs the Beis Din for Gittin in Baltimore.

Rabbi Tzvi Berger
Boro Park
Rabbi Tzvi Berger learned in Klausenberg Yeshiva as well as BMG in Lakewood. He also learned under Rabbi Fishel Hershkowitz zichrono livracha and Rabbi Yechezkal Roth. He is now a Dayan at the Bais Hora'ah of Rabbi Roth. He has been with Agra D’Pirka for 5 years. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Berger gives a weekly shiur on Haparsha bhalacha ubhashkafa lmaisei every Thursday at 10:45 am.
Rabbi Moshe Eckstein
Rabbi Moshe Eckstein learned in Mir NY, Mir Yerushalayim & has been learning in the Kolel of BMG for the past thirty years including many years as a Rosh Chabura. He has been saying a Shiur for Agra D'Pirka for more than 8 years. Currently he is giving a Gemora B'Iyun Shiur and is in the middle of Masechtas Shabbos. He is also on staff at BMG as a Madrich for Chasanim and married couples. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Eckstein gives a daily shiur on Gemara B'Iyun Monday through Thursday at 9:20 am.

Rabbi Yisroel Ephrati
Rabbi Yisroel Ephrati learned in Torah Temima as well as Brisk in Lakewood; He was a Rov in the Miami Beach Keristira shul; Now he gives shiurim full time; He has been Agra D'Pirka for 6 years. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Ephrati gives a daily shiur Monday through Thursday on Gemara at 9:30 am.

Rabbi Yerachmiel Frankel
Rabbi Yerachmiel Frankel has been with the Agra D’Pirka from its inception, and delivers a weekly chumash shiur in Flatbush. He gave up a successful career as a technology executive on Wall Street to focus on learning and הרבצת תורה. He has been giving shiurim in one capacity or another for over 40 years, and his first love is pure lamdus, followed by a passion for the משך חכמה. The shiurim that were delivered over the first seven years were compiled into a two volume sefer, נר אהרן, published by Mosad HaRav Kook. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Frankel gives a weekly shiur on Parsha In-Depth every Thursday at 11:30 am.

Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Glatstein
Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Glatstein was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and now resides in the Five Towns (Cedarhurst, NY) with his wife, children and family. Rabbi Glatstein’s many years of rigorous study at the Rabbinical Seminary of America (Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Kew Garden Hills, NY), values the mussar of HaRav Avigdor Miller Zt”l, the Torah majesty of Polish Torah giants as passed down from his Rabbinic ancestry, the grandeur of the mystical aspects of Torah taught by HaRav Noach Isaac Oelbaum and HaRav Pinchas Friedman. Rabbi Glatstein received his smicha and rabbinic ordination from the Rabbinic Seminary of America and HaRav Noach I. Oelbaum. He has also led several of the Jewish Heritage tours across the globe, including Italy, Spain, Morocco, Poland, Bratislava, Germany and the Ukraine, imparting the Torah and lessons of Jewish history alongside visiting many of the Kivrei Tzadikim he quotes in his teachings. He has been with Agra D'Pirka since it's inception. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Glatstein gives a weeklly shiur on Inyan D'Yoma or Parsha every Monday at 10: 30 am.

Rabbi Bentzion Gips
Flatbush/Boro Park
Rabbi Bentzion Gips learned in Yeshiva Slobodka in Bnei Brak; He received Smicha from the Debriciner Rav; He is now a Maggid shiur in Halacha, Parsha and Gemara. Rabbi Gips has been with Agra D'Pirka since it's inception. At Agra Dpirka Rabbi Gips gives a weekly shiur on Halacha every Wednesday at 10:40 in our Boro Park location. As well as giving a weekly shiur on Halacha at 10:30 am in our Flatbush location.

Rabbi Pinchas Gross
Rabbi Pinchas Gross is an alumnus of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, where he attended the Mechina and Bais Medrash. He then learned in Brisk in Eretz Yisroel, followed by Bais Medrash Gavoha in Lakewood. After his marriage, he settled back in Baltimore, and joined Kollel Avodas Levi. He lived with his family on Yeshiva Lane for nine years, then moved to his current home in Baltimore to assume the position as the Rav of Kehillas Derech Chaim, a growing shul for young frum professionals.

Rabbi Yaacov Gross
Miami Beach
Rabbi Yaacov Gross, is a musmach of Bais Medrash Govoha and a talmid of HaGaon HaRav Elya Svei, ZT”L. Rabbi Gross came to Miami from the Boston Community Kollel where he taught and studied since its inception. The Rosh HaKollel gives many classes at the Kollel including the daily Daf Yomi, nightly Shulchan Aruch shiur, the Mid- Beach executive lunch class, Tuesday morning women’s Tefillah class and Shabbos morning Mishna Brurah class. Aside from his abundant duties at the Kollel, Rabbi Gross is involved with many other community organizations and private causes. He is now the Rosh Hakollel in the Miami Beach Lakewood kollel. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Gross gives a weekly shiur every Monday on Halacha in the Parsha at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Shulem Yaakov Gruenstein
Boro Park
Rabbi Shulem Yaakov Gruenstein learned under Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and received Yoreh Yoreh Yodin Yodin Smicha there. He then went to kollel at MTJ and learned under Rabbi Gershon Zacks. He was a Rov in Lakewood as well as being a Dayan at the Bais Hora'ah of Lakewood. Currently he is Rosh Beis Din at the Beis Harah of Birchos Asher as well as the Beis Harah Lakewood. He is a Rabbe in Bobov 45 and gives shiurim and farhers to kollel yungeleit. He has been with Agra D'Pirka since the begiining. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Gruenstein gives a shiur on Halacha Inyanim every other Tuesday at 10:40 am.

Rabbi Yehoshua Grunfeld
Rabbi Yehoshua Grunfeld learned under Rabbi Berman the Rosh Hayeshiva of Eiyun Hatalmud. He was a Rosh Hakolel for many years. He has been sitting and learning and has been with Agra D'Pirka for 5 years. At Agra D'Pirkla Rabbi Grunfeld gives a daily shiur Monday through Thursday at 9:30 am.

Rabbi Yankel Herskovitz
Rabbi Yankel Herskovitz is a Musmach of Ner Yisroel (Baltimore). He was a partner in a national accounting firm, practicing as a CPA, and is currently retired. He was a Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur for five cycles where the Daf was taught in depth, including Rashi, most תוס' and many mefarshim. Recently, he started saying an in-depth shiur in Mesechtas Sukkah for Agra D’Pirka daily Monday through Thursday at 9:15 am. In addition, he has been teaching a shiur in Yerushalmi where they are holding half-way through Seder Zeraim.

Rabbi Osher Hertzberg
Rabbi Osher Hertzberg learned in Yeshiva Chasam Sofer. He then worked in the automotive industry as Vice President of a company. He is now retired and gives a shiur in Rabbi Oelbaum's shul and in Miami Beach. Rabbi Hertzberg gives a Daf Yomi shiur as well as giving a shiur in Bnei Yisaschor. He has been with Agra D'Pirka from the opening of the branch in Queens. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Hertzberg gives a shiur every other Tuesday on Inyanei Tefilah at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Pinchos Jung
Rabbi Pinchos Jung grew up in London and lived there till 2000, Combining Chinuch with Business after he left yeshiva. He moved to Monsey and became involved in Chinuch Habonos in Bais Rochel Monsey and other schools, taking the graduates from 2004-2011 on an Eastern European trip. He joined the Monsey Agra D'Pirka at its inception in 2016 and was asked to learn Nesivos Sholom by Slonimer Rebbe ztl. He then began a Friday Parsha shiur in 2019. He is very proud and grateful to be a part of this kiddush hashem. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Jung gives a weekly shiur on Nesivos Sholom every Tuesday at 10:30 am. He also gives a weekly shiur every Friday on the Parshas Hashavua at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Yaakov Kapelner
Rabbi Yaakov Kapelner learned in Yeshivos Gateshead, Ponevez and BMG and spent his Kollel years in Mir Yerushalayim and Beis Medrash Elyon . For close to two decades he occupied the position as Magid shiur heading the semicha program at Yeshivas Kol Yaakov Monsey NY as well as serving as Dayan at Bais Horaah Shevet Halevi . He has been associated with Agra Depirka's Monsey branch almost since its inception delivering Shiurim at both morning and evening Kollelim on a broad range of thought provoking topics in Halacha and Parshas Hashovua.At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Kapelner gives a shiur on Parsha B'Halacha 3 times a month on Wednesday at 10:30 am. As well as giving a weekly shiur on Inyana D'Yoma on Tuesday at 9:05 pm.

Rabbi Yisroel Kaplan
Rabbi Yisroel Kaplan learned in Yeshiva Sight in Meilich under Horav Chaim Epstien z'l, then later in Yeshiva Gedola Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg under Horav Wachtfogel shlit'a. He continued on to Horav Avrohom Yehoshua Soloveitchik shlit'a in Brisk, after which he had a short stop in Lakewood before moving on to Kollel Knesses Yisroel of Springville (Staten Island) for 15+ years. Rabbi Kaplan joined the Agra D'Pirka Monsey night program, shortly after it's inception, just over 2 years ago. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Kaplan gives a daily shiur on Gemara Monday through Thursday at 8:20 PM.

Rabbi Yitzchok Koslowitz
Rabbi Yitzchok Koslowitz learned in Beis Hatalmud in Bensonhurst and as well as BMG in Lakewood where he received Smicha. He is now a Bochen for Smicha as well as being a Rosh Chabura for a Seder in Kollel and has a Sunday Morning kollel for Baalei batim. He speaks Friday nights to BMG alumni with Rabbi Shmuel Felder on Halacha. He wrote a Sefer on Yoreh De'ah called Mishnas Yitzchok. He has been with Agra D'Pirka since its Lakewood inception. Rabbi Koslowitz gives a weekly shiur on Orach Chaim on Tuesday at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Daniel Langer
Rabbi Daniel Langer, a talmid of the Philadelphia Yeshiva and Yeshivas Brisk, is Rav of Bais Medrash D’Mackenzie, Toms River, NJ. He is also a longtime Rosh Chabura of a Yoreh De’ah chabura in BMG. Additionally, Rabbi Langer leads a Kollel Erev at the Chestnut Shul in Lakewood, NJ, which includes delivering a popular Thursday night Chumash Shiur.
At Agra D’Pirka, Rabbi Langer delivers a weekly Navi Shiur, Wednesday at 10:30

Rabbi Noach Light
Boca Raton
Rabbi Noach Light is the Mara D'Asra of East Boca Kehilla in Boca Raton, Florida. He also serves as the director of the Halacha program for both the Boca Raton Kollel and the Bais Medresh of Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Boca. As a sought after speaker and educator, Rabbi Light has served as Scholar-in-Residence throughout the country in shuls, yeshivos, kollelim, and kiruv centers. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Light gives a daily shiur on Maseches Brachos Monday through Wednesday at 10:45 Am and Thursday at 9:45 AM.

Rabbi Nachman Luban
Boca Raton
Rabbi Luban grew up in Yerushalayim. He moved with his family to Miami when his father became one of the roshei yeshiva of Yeshiva Toras Chaim. After high school and bais medrash in Toras Chaim, the younger Rabbi Luban continued his learning in Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim in Queens, taking on the role of Rosh Chabura for several years. Rabbi Luban also learned in Mir Yerushalayim and has been a talmid of Rav Asher Arieli. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Lubin gives a weekly shiur on Thursday at 10:45 AM.

Rabbi Dovid Margareten
Rabbi Dovid Margareten learned in Ner Yisroel, the Chebiner Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, BMG and Monsey kollelim; He has been a Rebbe in high school for 20 years and Beis Medresh for five years, as well as being a Rov in a shul. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Margareten gives a weekly shiur on Sefer Hamitzvos every Thursday at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Moshe Medresh
Miami Beach
Rabbi Moshe Medresh learned in Lakewood. He is now a High school rebbe in South Florida. He also gives shiurim in shuls throughout South Florida. He resides in North Miami Beach with two children. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Medresh gives a weekly shiur on Insights on Tefillah every Thursday at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Shraga Neuberger
Rabbi Shraga Neuberger learned in Ner Yisroel in Baltimore and now teaches there. He joined Baltimore Agra D'Pirka two years ago.

Rabbi Yitzchok Oelbaum
Rabbi Yitzchok Oelbaum learned in Yeshiva Ohr Hameir in Peekskill, Mir Yerushalayim under Rabbi Asher Arieli. He got Smicha under Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch then went on to BMG. Rabbi Oelbaum is now the assistant director for Chazaq, as well as giving lectures for them, as well as for other organzation. He has been with Agra D'Pirka since the Queens inception. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Oelbaum gives a shiur every other Tuesday on Halacha at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Yosef Pollak
Boro Park
Rabbi Yosef Pollak learned in Slobedka in Bnei Brak. He then learned 10 years in Kollel. He has been with Agra D'Pirka for 7. He is Rosh Hakollel of Kollel Divrei Yaakov in Boro Park. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Pollak gives a weekly shiur on Halacha Issues Related to the Parsha on Monday at 10:40 am.

Rabbi Shaya Richmond
West Palm Beach
Rabbi Shaya Richmond is a musmach of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Queens, a talmid of HaRav Henoch Lebowitz Zt"l.
Rabbi Richmond has served in the Rabbanus for over 30 years. He was the Rov of Young Israel of Patchogue, LI; Bais Tefilah of Woodmere; and is presently the Rov of Aitz Chaim of West Palm Beach,Fl. He was a senior supervisor of mashgichim for the Vaad of Queens. He completed CPE training as a chaplain, and served in a hospital and hospice. Rabbi Richmond has been a mohel for 45 years, and mentors young mohalim whom he trained throughout the country. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Richmond gives a shiur on Mishna Brurah at our seasonal West Palm Beach location.

Rabbi Liron Rogovsky
Rabbi Liron Rogovsky learned in Ner Yiroel. He then learned in Kollel. He has been a Rosh Hakollel for the past 10 years. He also teaches Halacha at a girls high school in Monsey. He has been at Agra D'Pirka for 4 years. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Rogovsky gives a shiur every other Monday on the 39 Melachos at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Henoch Savitsky
Rabbi Henoch Savitsky learned in Lakewood and then in Brisk Yerushalayim. He is the Rov of Machzekei Hadas of Queens. He has been with Agra D'Pirka since the beginning. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Savitsky gives a daily shiur on Gemara at 9:30 am

Rabbi Reuven Scheinberg
Flatbush/Boro Park
Rabbi Reuven Sheinberg learned in Torah Vodaas. He is the Rov in his own shul and gives shiurim there. He also gives a shiur in Kaminetz in Halacha Lear Ohrach Chaim. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Sheinberg gives a daily shiur in Boro Park on Gemara at 9:30 am, as well as giving a weekly shiur in Flatbush on Halacha and Hahkafa on Tuesday at 11:00 am.

Rabbi Dovid Schoen
Miami Beach
Rabbi Schoen learned in Beis Hatalmud under Harav Dov Shwartzmen in Israel. As well as learning under Rabbi Simcha Wasserman in Los Angeles. He received Yoreh Yoreh Yodin Yodin Smicha from Rabbi Chaim Kohen. He is now Rosh Hakollel of the Chohen Mishpat Kollel as well as being Av Beis Din of the Beis Din of Florida; He has been with Agra D'Pirka for about 3 years. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Schoen gives a weekly shiur on Hashkafa and Halacha every Wednesday at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Simcha Shabtai
West Palm Beach
Rabbi Simcha Shabtai learned and received smicha from Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan (YU), and additionally learned in Reishit Yerushalayim, Har Etzion, Merkaz HaRav and Gruss Kollel. He has served as Rosh Beis Medrash at the Boca Raton Synagogue since 2014, and is also the Executive Director of American Friends of Meshi Children's Rehabilitation Center, a special program for children with neurological and muscular disorders.

Rabbi Eli Sofer
Rabbi Eli Sofer learned in the Mir Yerushalayim for 10 years. After that he moved to Baltimore in 2017. He is currently a private Rebbi for boys that are homeschooled. He also plays music by simchos under the name of Samcheinu Music. Rabbi Sofer manages the Baltimore Branch of Agra D'Pirka

Rav Avraham Snyder
Rabbi Avraham Snyder learned in Yeshiva Torah Temimah and was a close talmid of Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, shlit”a. Subsequently, he learned in Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. He is currently Mara D’Asra of Bais Medrash Nefesh Chaya and R”M in Mesifta Toras Chaim in Lakewood. In addition, he teaches in Migdal Seminary and Wings, both in Lakewood. At Agra D'Pirka, Rabbi Snyder gives a weekly shiur in Chumash on Thursdays at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Yaakov Akiva Sofer
Rabbi Yaakov Akiva Sofer learned in the Manchester Yeshiva, Shaarei Torah and Mir Yerushalyim as well as leaning in Netzach Yisroel under Rabbi Michel Berniker and in the Ner Yisroel Kollel. he is now Rosh Hakollel in Mercaz Torah Utefila.

Rabbi Mattis Stern
Rabbi Mattis Stern is the mashgiach and shoel umeishiv in Yeshivas Be'er Yitzchok in Elizabeth where he delivers Shmuzen and vaadim to the Bochurim and yungerleit of the kollel. He frequently speaks at other yeshivas as well and delivers Shiurim in Agra D'pirka in Monsey. At Agra D'Pirka Mosey Morning he gives a shiur every other Monday on Inyana D'Yoma at 10:30 am. In the Monsey evening kollel he gives a shiur every Thursday at 9:05 pm.

Rabbi Yekusiel Stern
Miami Beach
Rabbi Yekusiel Stern studied at Telshe Yeshiva in Chicago, Yeshiva Gedola of Passaic under the leadership of Rav Meir Stern and subsequently at Rav Tzvi Kaplan’s Yeshivas Kodshim in Yerushalayim. Rav Stern is the Kollel’s Director of Development and studies with many Baale Battim throughout the day and gives the weekly Parsha shiur on Wednesday mornings. Rabbi Stern is also the menahel of the Beis Din of South Florida under the leadership of Horav Mendel Senderovic Shlita. Rabbi Stern manages the Agra D'Pirka location in Miami.

Rabbi Yossi Stern
Miami Beach
Rabbi Yossi Stern is originally from Brooklyn, were he was a talmid in Yeshivas Toras Emes Kaminetz. He leaned in Eretz Yisroel under Rav Dovid Soloveitchik shlita. Upon returning to America he continued his learning in Lakewood’s BMG before joining the Marlboro Kollel. Rabbi Stern received smicha from Rav Reuvein Feinstein and Rav Moshe Heineman. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Stern gives a daily Gemara in Depth shiur on Monday to Thursday at 9:30 am.

Rabbi Meyer Baruch Turin
Rabbi Meyer Turin went to Yeshiva in Scranton. He then studied in Eretz Yisrael under Rav Avraham Yehoshua Soloveitchik shlita. He also studied in Bais Medrash Govoha Lakewood. Now he is the Rav of Khal Toms River in Toms River New Jersey. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Turin gives a weekly shiur on various inyanim on Monday at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Hershel Unsdorfer
Boro Park
Rabbi Hershel Unsdorfer learned in Shaarei Yosher under Harav Yosef Rosenblum z'tl in Boro Park. He is the Rosh HaKollel in Pupa in Boro Park for 19 years. Rabbi Unsdorfer joined Agra D'Pirka shortly after it opened up. Has given many shiurim all over Boro Park. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Unsdorfer gives a shiur on Halacha Inyanim every other Tuesday at 10:40 am.

Rabbi Yosef Wagner
Rabbi Yosef Wagner learned in Ner Yisroel. He now teaches Hilchos Shabbos in Ner Yisroel high school and in kollel. He has been with Agra D'Pirka for 2 years.

Rabbi Moshe Winter
Rabbi Moshe Winter learned in Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim and received Yoreh Yoreh Yodin Yodin Smicha. He now teaches there. He is also a Rov in Congregation Shaarei Zedek of East Meadow. At Agra D'Pirka Rabbi Winter gives a weekly shiur on Hilchos Bein Adam L'Chaveiro every Thursday at 10:30 am.

Rabbi Chaim Yeshaya Weiss
Rabbi Chaim Yeshaya Weiss studied in Brisk and Lakewood, and held long time positions in Monsey as a Maggid Shiur and an 8th grade Rebbe. He has been with Agra D'Pirka for the past year and a half, giving a weekly shiur on Tefilah Wednesdays at 9:05 PM.